Thought: Why do I love this show so much

i want to say
3 min readNov 7, 2021

I’m a TV series lover. Right after college, I spent my day and night watching TV series and rewatched them over and over. I believe that I went through Friends marathon 5 times already (And I don’t regret it)

That does not happen with every shows, like, The Big Bang Theory which I finished once and that’s enough. It was weird because it got a ‘Friends quality” in it, but it just did not click.

Then, In the middle of laughing and joy from watching Modern Family that I finished 2 times. I asked myself “Why do I love this show so much.” So, I listed the shows that I love the most to find “the quality” they have in common.

Here is the list of 5 Shows that I can rewatch anytime
1. Friends (Obviously, I mentioned 2 times already)
2.. Modern Family
3. Community
4. Park and Recreation (Recommended)
5. The Office

Yep, I love sitcoms. Not every single one, but most of them

So, I came up with the theory that it has something to do with the things I can relate to.
I want to live like Friends (not Ross and Rachel).
I want to have a family like Modern Family (especially The Dunphy).
Community reminded me of my years in college.
Park and Recreation is special. I don’t think I can relate to it, but it is by far the best comedy show I’ve ever watched (For now).
The Office hit harder when I realized that the real-life office is dull, so why not.

That’s it. I just want to be in the series.

After I came up with this theory, I wanted to reassure. So, I did “a research” which was typing the symptom in a google bar and clicked whatever came up first. Fortunately, It was a reliable source.

Wishful Identification


It is the word I found in NBC’s article. It means the time you wish to be in a show or to be a character in the shows, which is totally what I said earlier. So, It was not just my imagination.

It might not be the main reason that indicates the quality of a series, but it is surely an important factor. If you want to experience it, just list the shows you are love and think about them.

In my opinion, I think this situation can only happen with a sitcom or shows that can happen in real life. Otherwise, I probably want to ride the dragon or become a Jedi (The Clone Wars is a masterpiece, you should watch it).

