Why Does Nostalgia Feel Good?

It’s a very cliche question. There’re many conducted research and article about it. However, I want to talk about it in my way, which does not include a complex science behind it, but just pure emotion.
I’ve been listening to John Mayer's new album “Sob Rock” for a long time now. It’s an 80s Theme Album that takes you back to the time when some of you (and me) were not even born, but I feel like I can recall the time I listened to this kind of song from my grandparents’ record player (which they don’t have) with an acceptable amount of grain which makes it sound so cool.
That’s what I’ve been curious about. How and why do I imagine the time that I was not even born yet. why it looks so good, and it feels far better than what we have today. Maybe it’s just a craving for what we don’t have, or maybe it’s the mood and tone of the things that act as a time machine.

Not only music, but film photography is also mysterious for me. Why do people love them? Why do I love them? It’s just a grainy dull picture. You can’t pull it off if you don’t know the basics of photography. Not to mention the complexity and procedures that you have to do before you can go out and take some pictures of your beloved dog or family. However, we still enthusiastically pay our time to master the skill and dump our own money for that fussy.
I think this feeling will stick in our heads for a long time. In about 50 years from now, people will be nostalgic about the movies and pieces of music from this period of time. People would call Mr.Tarantino a classic as we all praise Hitchcock now.
Many rappers out there might be called LEGEND in those days.
We don’t know. Nobody knows…